Change of Suit Responses
A change of suit response to a minor suit at the two level only requires you to hold 4 cards in the minor suit. For a change of suit response to a major suit at the two level you should hold 5 cards in the suit.
Your partner has opened with a bid of 1 Spade.
Example 1:
If you hold 5 cards in hearts you can bid 2 hearts if you hold enough points:
S: 6
H: K J 8 5 2
D: A 7 6 2
C: Q 7 3
The bidding:
North East South West
1S Pass 2H
You have 10 high card points and so can bid at the two level. You hold 5 hearts so you can go ahead and bid 2 H.
Example 2:
If you only have 4 cards in hearts you can’t bid hearts at the two level, so will have to find another bid:
S: 6 2
H: K J 8 5
D: A 7 6 2
C: K 7 3
North East South West
1S Pass 2D
January 23, 2013 @ 6:59 pm
If I sign up for this how much will it cost after the free four weeks?
January 23, 2013 @ 8:41 pm
The current membership costs (Jan 2013) are $15 for 3 months or $48 for one year.
Ruthann Sturtevant
June 25, 2020 @ 9:46 pm
I look forward to learning more about bridge playing.